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Dual – Shaft Slitter Rewinder EMS 610

The slitter rewinder mod. EMS 610/S has been projected as a Multi-Purpose Slitter and it is proposed as a “low cost” solution for users who still wish to focus on all technical Temac expertise and quality, maintaining the key features of our production’s output in terms of reliability and ability to work various types of material from plastic, laminates, paper to aluminium foils.

ems 610 s

Standard Equipments

Compact unwinding group “Shaftless” type.
Twin rewinding stations with fully clutched shafts with ball friction system to lock the cores during the rewound phase.
Twin slitting systems with oscillating magnetic razor blades and shear circular blades.
“Laser” core positioning system.
Side rewound roll unloading fork system.



All machine functions are managed by wide color “Touch Screen” unit able to store all machine parameters. This unit is able to save several machine menus which may be recalled from the operator.
A.C. asynchronous servo flux vector motors managed by last generation fully digital Inverters.


Independent “Shaftless” unwinding group with footboard or bridge web path.
Unwinding web tension control managed by A.C. asynchronous servo flux vector motor driven by fully digital Inverter.
Automatic shear circular blade units positioning system.
Special automatic and computerized system to control the weight of the lay on rolls used during the rewinding phase.
Automatic ended rolls “push out” system for top and bottom rewinding stations.
Automatic “Laser” core positioning system with computerized set up managed by “Touch Screen” unit

Technical data EMS 610

  Working width mm 1.000 – 1.300 – 1.600
  Max batch roll diameter mm 1.000
  Max rewound rolls diamenter mm 600
  Minimum slitting width mm 40
  Max axial displacement of batch roll mm +/- 50
  Max slitting  speed mt/min 500